I am writing today to share with you an exciting opportunity for your church to have an impact in the world. Let me give you three specific blessings that have been ours as our church has been involved in a sister church relationship with Hope Church of Ryazan, Russia for the past ten years. the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the past 11 years, I have been involved in leadership of the Russia Mission Partnership Team (RMPT), a mission partnership related to the WVBC. This has been one of the most exciting times of mission for me personally and for the church where I serve as Pastor, Pea Ridge Baptist. I believe we have been able to capture a glimpse of God’s worldwide kingdom through this partnership…and I want you to have the same opportunity. Click here info information on how to get involved:
- We have been able to see first-hand our mission dollars at work. With
regular correspondence with the pastor of Hope Church, Pastor Pavel Jirov, we have seen the fruit of their ministry. We send monthly support to help offset the cost of ministry in Ryazan. The $200 we send is used in creative and purposeful ways as Hope Church spreads the gospel in the city of Ryazan. Gifts can range from $100 – $500 monthly. I can personally assure you that $100 will go a long way in Russia! - We have grown to love the people of Hope Church. I personally have had the opportunity to preach several times at Hope Church in Ryazan and Pastor Pavel has preached at Pea Ridge. Beyond that, we have hosted other members from Hope Church
as they have visited West Virginia. We also have a prayer partner ministry between the people of Hope Church and the people of Pea Ridge. Some prayer partners exchange emails and letters. Others just know that someone is praying for them. This personal touch to global mission has made a significant impact on our congregation. We have also had two different teams from our church travel to Ryazan. This has allowed us to work side-by-side with them in ministry!
- I personally have been touched by the Jirov family. Pastor Pavel is like a brother to me and we have shared many personal and ministry joys and discouragements through the years. Knowing that I have a brother in Christ in Ryazan is a real blessing for me.
I really would like to ask that you prayerful consider your churches involvement in this wonderful ministry. I have included several profiles of pastors/church that are currently without any partnerships. I have personally met each of these pastors and know their hearts are tuned to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that each of these would be matched with churches here in West Virginia. Look over these, pray for them and how God would have you involved. Contact me and I will give you more information. I am praying for God’s guidance for you and provision for our brothers and sisters in Ryazan.
For questions, please contact Dr. David R. Bess or visit the Get Involved Page of our Website for more details.